
1. Create a preloader widget

① Create a preloader widget

② The preloader widget ID

③ The created preloader widget

2. Widget properties


  • ID: preloader_9ee8 is the unique ID number of the preloader widget

  • Width, Height: the size of an preloader widget

  • Alignment (in order): left alignment, horizontal center alignment, right alignment, top alignment, vertical center alignment, bottom alignment


  • Parent widget: set the parent object, and the preloader widget is its child object

  • Background color: the background color of a preloader widget

  • Opacity: the opaque degree of the preolader widget in the display area

  • Indic color: set the indicator color of a preloader widget (1 in the figure below)

  • Other color: the color of the other part of the circle other than the indicator (2 in the figure below)

  • Indic width: the width of the indicator of a preloader widget (3 in the figure below)

  • Rotation style: null, fill spin, constant spin

文档更新时间: 2021-08-09 16:40   作者:plj