
1. Create an textarea widget

① Create a textarea widget

② The textarea widget ID

③ Set the default display content of a textarea widget

2. Steps for use

2.1 Set properties for a textarea widget

① The coordinate position of a textarea widget

② The size of a textarea widget

③ Alignment

④ Set its style

⑤ You can change the size of the widget by dragging its border directly.


  • ID: textarea_8e54 is the unique ID number of the textarea widget

  • X, Y: its coordinate position in the work area

  • Width, Height: the size of a textarea widget

  • Alignment (in order): left alignment, horizontal center alignment, right alignment, top alignment, vertical center alignment, bottom alignment


  • Default value: set the display text of a textarea—Chinese is not currently supported

  • Parent widget: set the parent object, and the textarea widget is its child object

  • Background color: set the background color of a textarea

  • Text color: set the text color of a textarea

  • Placeholder: the default text displayed in a textarea. If “default value” has been given a text content, the placeholder will not be displayed.

  • Password mode: set text encryption—“unmasked”: display the content; “masked”: replace the content with “·”

  • Line mode
    Single: When the text content exceeds the display width of the textarea, users can use a horizontal scroll bar to browse the remaining text.
    Multi: When the text content exceeds the display width of the textarea, the text will wrap automatically.


    • In multi mode, when the text content exceeds the display height of the textarea, users can use a vertical scroll bar to browse the remaining text.
    • In single mode, there is only one line for text displaying.

3. Blockly—Textarea

3.1 Show keyboard (used with Process/Event)

  • Choose UI objects: choose a textarea ID created in Layout-Designer

  • Show keyboard and select textarea: the text data from keyboard is displayed in the textarea synchronously

3.2 Read textarea (used with Process/Event)

  • Choose UI objects: choose a textarea ID created in Layout-Designer

  • Read textarea value: get the textual data from the textarea

3.3 Set textarea (used with Process/Event)

  • Choose UI objects: choose a textarea ID created in Layout-Designer

  • Value: click to enter text, which will be displayed in the textarea (textarea content)

Example: choose UI objects “textarea_8e54”, set textarea value “hello”, read textarea value and display it in a label (you need to add a label widget in Designer)

  • Click “{} code” to view the code:

① Blockly function init

② Keyboard related API

③ Set textarea content

④ Text content

⑤ Widget ID

⑥ Register a timer callback function

4. Blockly programming (esp32)

  • UI design

  • Blockly design

5. Download and analyze the source code of the project

  • Zip files

① Font

② Task and widget init entry

  • qm_ui_entry.c analysis

③ Designer—widget init entry

④ Create screens

⑤ Create widgets API

⑥ Create widgets and set the styles

⑦ Blockly logic implementation

⑧ Keyboard event callback function

⑨ Keyboard widget init

⑩ Show keyboard API

Relevant variables declaration:

  • Demo

文档更新时间: 2021-08-09 16:32   作者:plj