2.1 Codec/Decode

  • ① Get string from json, enter JSON string, analyse.

  • ② Get numbers from json, enter JSON string, analyse.

  • ③ Get json object.

  • ④ Get json object in order.

  • ⑤ End json.

  • ⑥ Change cJSON into string, add cJSON object.

  • ⑦ cJSON add number object.

  • ⑧ cJSON add string object.

  • ⑨ cJSON add object, TAG, data to be inserted.

  • A test interface is provided here:http://api.8ms.xyz/weather/ (http://api.8ms.xyz/weather/)

json value:

Case tutorial

  • “①” Object naming area.

  • “②” Data display area.

  • “③” Refresh button.

  • Blockly implementation

  • 1、WIFI connection:

  • The path to the WIFI block: Click Base Peripherals->WIFI.

  • “①” WIFI SSID.

  • “②” WIFI Password.

  • “③” WIFI Auth mode.

  • 2、Declare http request callback and Json data analysis:

  • The path to Declare http request callback:Click IOT->HTTP.

  • The path to Codec/Decode:Click Base->Codec/Decode.

  • “①” Parse the Json data to get date.

  • “②” Parse the Json data to get wealmg.

  • “③” Parse the Json data to get wendu.

  • 3、Add a callback function to the refresh button:

  • The path to the button callback function block: Click Process/Event -> UI.

  • The path to set Http request callback and request http page blocks: Click IOT->HTTP.

  • “①” Set Http request callback.

  • “②” Request http page.

Code analysis
  • Zip files

  • Code analysis

  • “①” WiFi connection.

  • “②” Parse the Json data to get date.

  • “③” Parse the Json data to get wealmg.

  • “①” Parse the Json data to get wendu.

  • “②” Declare http request callback.

  • “③” Refresh button callback function.

文档更新时间: 2021-08-04 16:24   作者:Win