Upload Custom Source Code

- Operation process

1. Write custom code

  • ① test.c content

  • ② test.h content

2. Upload custom source code to the project

  • ① Click File and the file list will expand.

  • ② Click Upload custom source code and select the custom source code you have written.

  • ③ Click Resources to check the uploaded custom code.

  • Click the delete icon to delete the uploaded custom code.
3. Call function


  • Blockly implementation

  • ① Click Base->Custom Code->Code out of segment to add the test.h header file.

  • ② Click Base->Custom Code->Call custom function.

  • { }code

  • ① Add the test.h header file.

  • ② Call custom function.


  • Blockly implementation

  • ① Click Base->Custom Code->Code out of segment to add the test.h header file.

  • ② Click Base->Custom Code->Call custom function.

  • { }code

  • ① Add the test.h header file.

  • ② Call custom function.

Note: The custom code uploaded on SigmaStar will be stored in the custom directory。

文档更新时间: 2021-08-03 16:15   作者:plj